
It's a new word, I know. I'm making it up now. Let Webster and Wikipedia know.

I admire the mommies I work with. It is the most noble and tremendous profession I know.
I know a lot of doctors and lawyers and actors and they are awesome too but really, the mommies are what pave the way. They are the presidents of our united states of being and growing and living and I am dedicating this blog to you.

I can barely find the time and I'm all by myself.
So when you, the mommy, can multitask careers, husbands, children's schedules, nannies and housekeepers, outside family issues and then find the time to work out with me and on your own, I try to figure out ways to make it easier to get a work out in if you can't see me or are in a pinch or time.
And it always seems like time is a pinch.
I know it's going to be hard, especially for those new mommies out there, but I promise you, the things I've come up with might be able to get you from, post partum to party girl in no time. Ok, that sounds totally Redbook, but hear me out. You have no time. You can't get in the gym because you can barely get any sleep. You can't hire me or any other trainer to get you in the mind or revving heart space to burn the calories you consumed to house your little gift. I get it.
Try wrapping your mind around the fact that your 'new normal' can actually use your mother's intuition to get you into shape.

Your kid needs to get out doors. You slap on the sunscreen, strap your bundle into your turbo stroller, heart rate monitor if applicable (might actually get you motivated) and your cross trainers and hit the streets.
5 minutes at a nice easy pace as the sun is rising.
After about 5 minutes, imagine you have somewhere to be soon and pick up your pace for about 2 minutes.

If you do have a heart monitor, pick up the pace every two minutes till you get up to ten minutes then slow down to your walk, starting again at your easy pace for two minutes then bumping it up every two minutes till you get to your rushing to an appointment pace. Slow it down to easy one last time then bump it up again. See if you can push past your rushing to an appointment pace for the last 2 minutes making the last set about 12 minutes. The whole 'walk/jog' should be about 37 minutes-40 minutes if you want a few extra cool down walking minutes.
Add a few lunges for an extra burst of cardio OR carry a jump rope with you and between 2-minute intervals stop the stroller and jump anywhere from 10-100!!

Kid is napping. I know, you want to nap too but she/he is going to get up real soon so make the most of it. You can grab a snack, return a phone call, check your email OR
Do 10 wide (hip width or wider) squats, grab some bar bells or medicine ball and lift it over your head for an extra burst of cardio. March in place swinging the arms in a backstroke swim or freestyle swim manner.
Do some phantom jump ropes by the cradle, push ups with knees to the floor, lie prone and lift legs up and down, bent knees if you need to (keep low back to the floor the whole time), jumping jacks, shadow boxes, bicycle crunches, nice and slow so as not to wake up your little one and so you can feel the burn deeper.

Try about 20 seconds each or if you are not into the timing thing, just do it till you can't anymore, not a painful feeling but a 'maximum edge' feeling, like you can't do another one. The whole circuit should last about 20 minutes in total.

Even as an adult, I still love going to the park. I've discovered super ways to use your kids’ playground as a gym for you to get your workout while your little one is off running and getting her/his clothes dirty.
If you are walking' or doing the above 'walk/jog' to the park, keep one kid in the stroller or let the bigger kid run off to play on the jungle gym and assess where you are.

Bench dips
-Are you sitting at a bench?
Let your bum hang off a couple of inches, hold onto the edge of the bench with the heels of your hands and lower the bum till your elbow is at 90 degrees. Do these 'tricep dips' 8-12 times for a couple of sets.
If you are feeling really strong, extend one leg forward like a kick and keep the opposite leg at 90 degrees, dip down for 8 then switch sides and repeat.
Works the triceps, butt and thighs

Babe chest press
-Grab your babe by the arms and hold her/him at your heart, send the kid forward and bring 'em back to the heart. This is a great arm/chest strengthener. Do 8-12 a couple of times. For the chest and arms.

-Grab one of the monkey bars and hold the bar with your hands shoulder width a part. Bend the elbows and pull yourself up as much as you can and hold the position for 10-20 seconds.
Do it up to eight times if you can.
Works the biceps, back and abs of course.

Swing time
-If your kid loves to swing, give 'em a good push a bunch of times and that will work the biceps and chest.

Swing low, my sweet...
-If you love the swing, go ahead and stand up on it! Hang one of your feet off the swing in a kick position and with the force of your core and arms push with your standing leg, kicking the opposite leg forward. Hiya!! Keep a good hold of the chains with your arms to work the biceps and of course, the belly. Just do a bunch on each side and laugh out loud.
Take one foot/the tips of the toes, on the edge of the swing and lunge the opposite leg forward. Keep the hands on the hips and sink into a lunge. Do 8-12 repetitions. Great for balance, bum, core and thighs.

Ring around the rosy
-If their are rings at your local park, grab a hold of them. Reach high, and then bring them as close to the chest as possible. Make it more of a challenge and bring the knees in to the right, then to the left. Do 8-12 reps.

-Slide lunge and reach
Gotta love the slide. Hold on tight to the top of the slide and let your legs hang down in a lunge position. Imagine you are climbing up the slide, one leg at a time, switch the lunge- one leg straight, one leg bent at 90 degrees and switch. Do for about 30 seconds alternating each leg.

-Swing push-ups
Take both feet and position them on the swing or bleachers. Walk the hands forward so the body is in one long line like an upper push up. Works the shoulders, biceps, chest, back abs and booty. Do about 12 pushups bending the arms to about 90- degrees shoulder distance apart.

-Bleacher Step up
Step up to the first, second or third step on a bleacher and bring the other foot to meet the first like you were climbing stairs. Do 10-20 and switch sides. Then turn to the right and put your left foot on the bleacher. Bring your right knee up on the diagonal stepping up laterally (sideways). 10-20 then switching sides.

Your kid has fun at the park but so can you, so there. If you have any questions, let me know and we'll go to the park together and I'll show ya.
In the mean time, be good to yourself, drink a ton of water and call your mother.