Monthly Archives: November 2009

Find your bucket…

Dear Oprah,
I have to do this.
It took me a while. And then it took me some more whiles.
I watched the film, "The Bucket LIst".

Yes, the reviews were not the best. Yes, it came out a gagillion years ago in Hollywood years, but one of my clients lent it to me and I thought it an appropriate time to sit back and watch it.

It's been three months since my dad passed and I'm finally getting past some of the phases and maybe reaching the point of acceptance.
I don't know. It comes in waves.
I'm sometimes in denial, sometimes in anger...sometimes...I don't know.
All I know is that he is here, all around me and this little film is a wonderful celebration of life and how to live it now whether we have 6 months or 60 years left.
To say what you need to say and do what you need to do with love and passion and maybe a little Jack Nicholson is a wonderful way to be.

It certainly didn't win any awards, but it was a gentle reminder to live with the fervor you would if you didn't think you had time to live at all.

I don't have a bucket list of things to do before I go. I like to think I'm living it now.
Even without a list, it reminds me that what I'm doing, I'm supposed to be doing.
That's a nice thing to know.
To tell people they mean something to you, to be grateful for all the things, even if it might be shit sometimes, it's a nice perspective to have.
I'm just happy I was able to carve the time out to watch a little film. Even if it took me two days to do it.
Even if it isn't the best movie ever, it can make you think...what do I want to do. Or ask, what do I need to do...right now.
Just a little perspective. And it's always a nice reminder.
Just sayin...
find your bucket and scoop up life.