Monthly Archives: March 2025

LA Fires 1/7/25

It's so heartbreaking to see so many people lose their homes. I can never imagine even though I have three clients that I still see, facing unparalleled challenges. They take the time to share their stories, needs and manage their self care. They inspire me and I'm beyond honored to work with them before, during and in the middle of the tragedy that is still here.

I hope whatever I do- whether it's a yoga class or massage - I can help create a salve and support for the journey back to whatever their normal will look like.

My apartment complex, was in the zone that was evacuated during the fires in Palisades/Santa Monica. It was scary but, I never thought fires - no matter what the wind - would leap over Rustic Canyon) the canyon between where I live and the Palisades in Santa Monica- would touch us at all.

But, the air, the water - we had to evacuate. We followed the rules, social media and the news religiously and followed every rule in gratitude to the first responders to protect all of us and those directly affected by the fires.

Although my home was ok and the property I work was ok, I could not get to my job unless I added four hours in addition to my 2 hour commute. My job was impossible to get to. I had no other choices. And no other jobs avail.

My job offered unemployment until I could get to their other property safely- the Pacific Coast Highway is closed and my five hour shift which was once 60 miles and 2 hours became 150 miles and 4.5 to five hours a day. When I drive home from work I see - just 10 miles I can be home straight away. I can walk it! But my maps takes me the extra 100 to get back around to home and I get it. I totally 100 percent understand this is the process for the people that lived in the burn area. could lose items left or recovered, survey for safety and rebuild. My stress is nothing to theirs.

I'm driven to help - as an empath and sadly - a people pleaser. I'm tireless with volunteering, finances, goods and by choice- I encouraged my next door neighbor to rent her apartment for the rent control amount she pays to support people who are displaced. Shes not making money off of it. I'm not making money. But I said - we could help people!!! She was going to give up her lease but said - if you want to handle it -do it. So we posted the unit and placed this couple who lost their home in the Palisades.

I've rented my apartment out when I travel for work and its pretty effortless and most people treat my apartment like it's an apartment and not a hotel.

But, I watch true crime and documentaries. I hear about looters and scammers with floods, hurricanes and fires. It's impossible to imagine. It cannot be real. No way would people do that. I never thought I would be one that could be taken advantage of. This is my story about Marc Lamaze Pacific Palisades.

As you can see - I have not written in forever.

I would never do this normally but must warn people that Marc Lamaze lied about his Palisades fire experience and took advantage of renting my apartment, abused my kindness, gifts and time. He lost his home and dojo. He owned them both and shared the devastation of the great loss of the Dojo he built from scratch and the home he owed since 2000. I cried for him but he stood there stoic and his wife Jennifer never said hello or extended any acknowledgement of my existence. It's ptsd, shock. How horrid what they went through! But it was weird- from the second they walked into my complex I felt this cold deep darkness. Even my dog - who used to tell me by her bark what she did/ didn't like - she barks all the time now so I can't trust it -but she's still a lover and goes up to everyone with love. Nope - she barked and ran away-literally cowered away from these people and I have NEVER seen her do that with anyone. Even my ex-boyfriends. Now I was a ruse by Marc Lamaze and his wife Jennifer. This is what they do.

There was no PTSD. It was only control.

It was not his home or business he lost. He lost his job and the place he rented. Tragic. 100 percent. But he lied to me.

I don't wish ill on Marc Lamaze or his wife. I'm only providing a warning to others that the Palisades fire as well as Eaton is calling upon kind people to assist and with that their are looters AND scammers. Marc Lamaze is a scammer a 'Palisades' resident out to take advantage of assistance and gifts. I'm not going on Nextdoor, nor yelping or being aggressive in texts or emails. I'm so very lucky and fortunate that I don't share a wall with this misogynist but feel literally sick to my stomach knowing what Marc Lamaze did to get an apartment in my complex.

He paid a deposit with first month move in for March 1. He said he was getting all of these donations because of the fire and I offered to be there the week before his move in to clean and prepare the unit for him. Sadly - my trust was violated. It was my mistake that I gave him the keys. I told him he could not come by but he came by every day. I asked him to let me know when he would come by. He would text me and show up seconds after the text never waiting for a response. I told him I was uncomfortable with him coming and going as his move in was the 1st. He ignored my texts and came and went as he pleased.

After giving every possession I had as a gift to help him and his wife get on his feet I found him randomly when he should not have been there - in the lobby just standing. It shocked me. I had my dog. Said a quick shocked hello and moved on.

I was so put off by this. I had offered my parking space but knew it was attached to my unit so I told him to give my clicker back for the gate as I did not feel comfortable having them use it since it was not attached to their unit.

I've been feeling this heaviness inside that actually started to hurt. I couldn't place it.

Today - Marc Lamaze called me and said he was pulling out of the lease short notice because he felt not welcome and that I was no longer nice. It was alarming. Every action you did made me reserve my kindness and just be normal - not nice or mean just IS. Because you just took advantage.

He then compared MY work as a yoga teacher to HIM as a Dojo owner in the Palisades that lost everything and that we were connected. No. Marc Lamaze knows nothing about yoga and used my job and livelihood to justify his microagressions as an attack against my kindness. Marc Lamaze of Pacific Palisades Dojo does not respect Yoga, Me or his belt.

I cannot diagnose but in my heart believe Marc Lamaze is a misogynist that has distorted his tragedy into power over others. I do not support that. In fact, Marc Lamaze's behavior has me seriously questioning any help or service I do to anyone if I end up abused and shit on.

Shame on Marc Lamaze. Shame on him and anyone else taking advantage of the fire devastation to take and abuse what's given. I warn anyone that has the sad opportunity to meet Marc Lamaze to steer clear of this poor man that only offers hurt and chaos when really - its not so hard to accept kindness and adapt.

We are ALL doing it regardless of the impact of the fires. We are coming together. Anyone that wants to join and do good should do that. I pray I become smarter to know the red flags and scammers so I never go through what I have gone through the past two weeks.

His last text to me - sorry it didn't work out. I'm not. I dodged a fire and a bullet thanks to you. Everyone gets the karma they are due.