Song for Santa Monica

Dear Oprah,
I know you live in Chicago and part of me refuses to visit, 'cause I have a feeling I'd fall in love with your city and never wanna leave.
But here I am, in my favorite city in the world.
I wrote a song about it. I hope you like it. You can insert Chicago and it's nuances if you'd like and it'll still be super cute. Use it as a mantra when the city gets you down.

To the tune of...whatever you'd like...probably nothing hard, more folky, I'm feelin', maybe with a dance beat beneath. Just thinkin' out loud.

I'm so glad to be back in Santa Monica
I feel so good.
Things sucked today,
but I'm back in my hood.
I love to teach yoga,
don't you know?
If only I could be here more,
I'd thrive and grow.
Give me the beach, sun and sea.
I teach a funny, kick-ass yoga class and am also on TV.
I love Santa Monica.
I know she loves me.
I'd marry the city if I could.
She'll always take care of me.
I put her in my pocket as I journey across LA.
Come back home, reach in and I know I'm ok.
Cheesy, I know, but the album is gonna drop soon and it's gonna be a hit.
Probably a one hit wonder, but it's all I got.
Be brilliant,