Daily Archives: September 8, 2009

Leave things the way you found them…

Dear Oprah,
Does it ever annoy you when people leave trash on a Starbucks table that's two inches from the garbage bin?
I wonder.
When I'm at the gym and people leave their towels or magazine inserts strewn around the floor, that bothers me. I don't want to judge and yes, I know there is someone to clean it up, but I don't like going anywhere and leaving a trace unless I know my mark is good.
One wouldn't go into the forest and leave bottles or paper strewn amongst the foliage, right? Maybe people would.
When I touch the earth with my feet, my car, my tabloids, my hands on the elliptical, I want to leave it the way I found it.
I clean up, like I was never there. I don't want someone else to do the job for me, even if they are supposed to.
I'm not saying you need to re-fold all of the t-shirts you look at when visiting the Gap.
My mark is stronger and in a different direction, it's not to disrupt or disturb.
Walk softly. Be and do and remove yourself and your trail.
You know what I mean?
Just sayin...