angel vs. devil…

Dear Oprah,

Here's the deal, it's all about when you get me or when I get you.
I'm the nicest person ever and then I make a mistake and I'm the most miserable person ever.
The verdict, don't judge in the moment, yourself or others.
Case in point, I'm walking home from yoga class at 8AM. A homeless man asks for help. I tell him I'll buy him a cup of coffee. I get him the coffee and a little something to eat too. He didn't ask for it but I did it.
He thanked me profusely, told me that I was blessed, we both smiled and we were on our way.
I end up being 5 minutes behind my schedule.
I drive on Montana and make a left on Lincoln. I pass a street with no stop sign or cross walk. I drive the limit through the intersection even though I see someone with their dog standing on the sidewalk. In a moment, I don't know if they want to cross or let their dog do their business. I slow down a moment, but continue on. In the rear view I see the woman with both hands up but only two fingers showing if you know what I mean.
We're all quick to react in the moment. It's nature.
I wasn't doing anything wrong, however, I could have paused more or engaged the woman in a look to see if she wanted to cross. Instead, she thrust negative thoughts and fingers at me. I'm an advocate for pedestrians and their little dogs too, but I thought, how interesting...I'm a good person two minutes ago and someone is flipping me off moments later.
How did that happen?
It made me think of all the people who cut me off or continue to drive when I'm standing there ready to cross walk. We are not mind readers and sometimes we F up.
But really, to waste your energy on flipping the bird or thinking negatively, it's all just a waste.
If we all thought of our energy and thoughts as cash in the bank, we'd be a little more wary on how we spend it.
Think again when reacting, because you don't know where the other person is coming from.
Yes, there are A-holes out there, but if we think everyone is an A-hole, they will be - in our mind, heart and energy account. If we think that everyone is really coming from a good place and sometimes don't think or don't mean, we would have a lot more in our energy savings.
Just sayin'.
Unity people.
There are rules out there but way less people out there holding us accountable.
Let's work together to get where we need to go. We are all trying to get somewhere and I support you getting there, even if that means that it makes your day that you are in front of me in your car. Go on with yourself. Be in front. You win. I'm saving my energy for the homeless.
Let's let people into our lane.
Let's let people not use their blinkers even though we all know how dangerous that is not to use our blinkers.
Let's let bad be bad and hope we learn from bad and model what we experience as good.
Let's let be - in it and with it together.
~Lady Yoga
That's my new name. Get used to it.